Planning Enforcement Reporting Form

Please use this form to report potential breaches of Planning control. These can include unauthorised building works and development, works not carried out in accordance with a planning approval, unauthorised business use of premises, unauthorised advertisements, unauthorised work to listed buildings or protected trees.

What to do

  • Fill in the form providing as much detail as you can about the problem.
  • State when the problem started and what harm is being caused.
  • For possible unauthorised uses, provide full details of the activity such as hours of use, vehicle movements (including registration numbers) and customer visits including times of arrival and departure.
  • For potential unauthorised buildings, please explain in detail how they differ from any approved plans including the dimensions and locations.

Please note that the council does not accept anonymous complaints and your full personal details are required prior to any investigation being commenced.

In each case, personal details will remain strictly confidential