Reporting overgrown weeds

Before you report weeds to us

We are responsible for treating weeds on adopted roads and footpaths.  We are not responsible for treating weeds on private or unadopted roads or pavements, responsibility for this usually rests with the landowner or developer.

Our weed spraying programme consists of 3 treatments that is carried out during the spring and summer months.  Once an area has been treated, it takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks for the weeds to die off. 

Application can only take place on days when no rain is forecast, and it isn’t a windy day.

We do not take service requests outside of our programme.  If you are concerned that there is a problem with weeds in your area, then let us know.

Please note: It is not possible to treat areas where there are no weeds present, as legislation only allows the use of contact weed killer and a targeted approach to treat those present at the time of application.

Invasive weeds

Please do not report invasive weeds, such as Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed, through this form.  Visit our Invasive weed web page for further information.

Report a sighting of Japanese knotweed on public land

Report a sighting of Giant Hogweed on public land