Reporting shrubs and grass maintenance
We are responsible for the maintenance of grass in public areas and we aim to cut grass every three weeks between March and the end of September, subject to weather conditions.
Some grassed areas have been developed into species rich grasslands to increase biodiversity across the borough and maintenance of these sites are less frequent. Areas where bulbs have been established will remain uncut until mid-June to ensure the plants flower the following season.
Treatment of edges is usually carried by weed control, but this may not be completed on the day the grass is cut.
Do not use this form if your report is in relation to the areas below. You should contact the relevant owner directly.
- Private property: Contact the landowner
- Railway embankments: Network Rail
- Motorway embankments: National Highways Agency
- Canals and towpaths: Canal and Rivers Trust
Ground within cemeteries are maintained by Bereavement Services, please do not continue with this form.
Parks – Sports pitches
The frequency of grass cutting on sports pitches is dependant on the playing season and type of pitch. We aim to cut sports pitches between March and the end of September, weather permitting.
- Football and rugby pitches – every two weeks
- Bowling Greens – twice per week
Line markings will be maintained during the playing season.
Shrubs maintenance
We aim to maintain all Council managed shrubs and hedges once a year. These works are carried out as part of the Council’s winter maintenance programme, following bird nesting season.
We will carry out additional maintenance where shrubs and hedges on Council land affect sight lines, public access or safety.
If your report is regarding private shrubs and hedges obstructing the highway, please use the form below:
Report overhanging vegetation obstructing the highway
If your report is regarding private shrubs/hedges affecting private property, in the first instance it is advised that you contact the landowner, as the Council have no powers to intervene.
This form should not be used to report any others issues.